Long Term Close Up

Our business has been built on taking a longer-term view.

Long Term Close Up

Explore the insights that we’ve found through our Long-term Close Up research and the behavioural drivers that sit behind the way your clients act when it comes to long-term thinking, planning and decision making.

How it works

The 5 pillars of research

Long-term revealed

Pillar one of our research looked at the meaning of Long-term. We discovered that when people were asked to put a number on long-term, the average was 24 years.

Goal setting for long-term dreams

We’ll reveal our national goal-setting habits. What goals do we have? How are we working towards them? And are they realistic?

We’ll explore the fundamental role that goals play in our thinking and planning. We’ll start to look at and understand the goals and objectives that motivate clients throughout their lives and how advisers can work with clients to stretch their thinking around longer-term goals.

Families and their futures

How do families impact our decision making and long-term planning?

We’ll examine the impact family has on the long-term view and the potential opportunities this brings to advisers.

The role of optimism

Do we have an overwhelmingly positive long-term outlook?

We explore what impact this has on people’s financial planning and delve into the expectation vs reality gap and how this influences the finances in place. Along with how this affects you as an adviser when discussing long-term plans with your clients.

Learned or instinctive?

Who is influencing customers' long-term thinking right now? And to what extent do they teach and influence it?

We uncover the part that advisers may have to play in this and look at the younger generations for the future opportunities they’ll bring to advisers.

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Long-term revealed

Explore our research and the psychology

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Goal setting for long-term dreams

Explore your client's hidden motivations and barriers to long-term thinking

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Families and their futures

Discover the impact families have on your clients’ behaviours and drivers

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Leaving a legacy

Discover the psychology that sits behind people wanting to leave a legacy and hear from our experts

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Understanding behavioural bias

We've been researching how people make financial decisions and applied a behavioural bias lens to understand this further.

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Long-term close up expert series Podcast

Hear from the experts, as they reveal why we've researched long term thinking and dig deeper into the psychology that affects your client’s financial decision making.

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