Segregated Portfolio Service now covers a whole range of Canada Life investment bonds
These bonds can now accept a much broader range of assets, including direct equities and corporate bonds
Available through 25 DFM partners and advice firms with DFM links
Canada Life has extended its Segregated Portfolio Service (SPS) to a wider range of bonds opening up the option for discretionary fund managers to hold a much broader range of investments, including direct investment into equities within the bond wrapper. This creates the opportunity for greater diversification and can create the potential to reduce expenses by investing directly rather than through funds. Discretionary fund managers can also utilise their stock selection expertise within a tax efficient bond wrapper, while also creating true income portfolios, directly investing in gilts and other fixed interest assets.
Neil Jones, tax and estate planning specialist, Canada Life explains:
“While international investment bonds already have some exceptional tax-efficient benefits, opening up our wider range of solutions to the Segregated Portfolio Service creates additional opportunities for our DFM partners. True discretionary management combined with an international bond is a very attractive solution for many. Clients can benefit from a much broader range of assets, including holding direct equities, corporate bonds and other fixed interest assets within the bond structure. Not only can this help DFMs create bespoke portfolios through a very tax-efficient wrapper, but also has the potential to reduce expenses.”
The extended SPS product availability
Isle of Man (CLI) | Ireland (CLIAI) |
Premiere Account | Premiere Europe Account* |
Wealth Preservation Account | Wealth Preservation Europe Account |
Controlled Access Account | International Portfolio Bond** |
Estate Preservation Account | |
Inheritance Planning Account |
* SPS already available
** SPS already available to existing business but closed to new business
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