Climate change

As a provider of retirement, investment, wealth and protection solutions to individuals and corporate entities, we understand the role we play in reducing the impact of both our operations and our products and services on the environment.

Partnering for sustainable financial strength

We believe that by working together with others, we can become more efficient and drive longer-term value creation for our stakeholders – helping our world transition to a more sustainable future. We pay attention to sustainability factors, and climate change is considered in our strategy, as we seek to sustain value over the long term.  

That’s why we’re investing in a responsible transition.

Our climate change strategy aims to:

  • Seek to make sound investment decisions, which take into account relevant sustainability factors that support progress against our goals and balance the needs of stakeholders today and into a more sustainable future.
  • Pay attention to material environmental factors relevant to long-term economic performance.
  • Aim to reduce the impact of our own operations on the environment by considering the places and ways we work.

Our global goals

In November 2021, our parent Great-West Lifeco Inc. (Lifeco) announced its ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 for both operations and investments. During the fourth quarter of 2023, Lifeco released its net zero interim goals for operations and investments.

We have adopted these goals:


Interim operational goal

40% reduction in carbon emissions by 20301

Interim investments goal

37% reduction in carbon footprint by 2030 applies to shareholder funds invested in listed corporate bonds, listed equities and commercial real estate2,3,4,5


1 Measured against a 2019 baseline year.

2 Our investment goals for 2030 have been established to reflect the reductions that our investee companies would need to make, to follow the pathways established by the International Energy Agency to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

3 Measured against a 2019 baseline year.

4 Carbon footprint is measured per million dollars invested (tCO2e/$m invested).

5 The following asset classes are currently out-of-scope and excluded from the 37% goal: mortgages, sovereign debt, private debt and equity, and scope 3 emissions of issuers.