Overcoming bias for better client outcomes
Optimism and present bias can create barriers to future thinking because if clients can’t see the risks ahead, they can’t plan for them. But bringing events to life could be the key to helping your clients put effective plans in place.
For example, a way to challenge your clients’ optimism bias, is to show them what they might lose. Loss aversion is the preference to avoid losses rather than to gain new things. Showing clients what they might lose, instead of gain, can make it more tangible for them.
Understanding your clients’ bias could help you to manage their expectations and set practical future-focused goals. So, they can still have a positive outlook while preparing for life’s unexpected turns.
*We’ve partnered with We are IB, leading experts in behavioural psychology, to understand how clients think and the barriers this might cause when it comes to thinking about the future.
Discover more client biases and influences