Working with cancer

Work can play an important role following diagnosis or treatment for cancer, but many cancer survivors find returning to work a struggle as they deal with effects of their illness and treatment. Discover how to support employees through cancer and how to make the most of the support available through our policies.

Cancer toolkits

Created in partnership with RedArc, our cancer employee toolkits are designed to support people affected by cancer in the workplace.


Employee toolkit

Information, guidance and return-to-work support for employees experiencing cancer


Colleague toolkit

Guidance for colleagues to help them understand cancer and the best way to support each other


Working carer toolkit

Tips, guidance and information for those working and caring for someone with cancer


Employer support

Created in partnership with RedArc, our cancer employee toolkits are designed to support people affected by cancer in the workplace:

Cancer line manager toolkit

Our new line manager toolkit gives line managers the tools to approach conversations and better understand the effects of cancer


Working with cancer webinar

In support of National Cancer Survivors Day, join our in-house rehabilitation team to learn how to support a return to work following cancer

Working with cancer